Click through the above Power Point to view “a sample” of the 160 slide workshop. This workshop is organized by topic, focusing on areas as health, family, school, recreation, sports, travel, religion, time, money, food and drink, and even small talk. Each hand movement comprising every phrase is clearly illustrated with one of the more than 1,500 line drawings (drawn by an artist who is deaf and fluent in ASL). Also included are a detailed discussion of ASL grammar. ASL has its own syntax, sentence constructions, grammar, and word order. It contains phrases, expressions, sentences, and questions that come up in casual, everyday conversations. These phrase enable you to begin talking with deaf people without first having to master the grammar of the language. The most efficient way to use this workshop is to study each topic thoroughly, practicing the sentences until you can do them without looking at the pictures. The next step is to use them immediately in conversation. This will help fix them in your memory.
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